Digital Review – Starfish

Starfish - Akemi Dawn Bowman This was another NetGalley book that I was approved for. As with previous books, I was given a digital review copy of this in exchange for a fair and honest review. I was drawn to it (once again) by the cover and the cover alone. I really didn't know much [...]

Digital Review – The Rising Storm

The Rising Storm by Ceri A. Lowe. This was another NetGalley digital book that I had applied, and was approved for, in exchange for a fair review. I applied for this book because of the cover and the synopsis. Both drew me in: An addictive and gripping dystopian series, perfect for fans of The Girl Who Dared to [...]

Book Review – The Hazel Wood

The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert - this has to be one of the most anticipated new releases of 2018. It came out at the beginning of February and I had been seeing it and hearing about it EVERYWHERE! I had it on pre-order from Amazon but ended up cancelling it. I had signed up [...]

Book Review – ColdMaker

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Coldmaker.... First off, massive thank you to my bookish friend for giving me her duplicate of this. Second off... What. A. Book. Like seriously, what a book. Before i get into the details can we just take a minute to appreciate the beauty of the cover as well? This is such a pretty mix [...]