Authors in unexpected places!

If any of you follow me on Instagram you will have seen my post from the weekend where I managed to go to a TV/Comic FanFest and meet a lovely author! Heroes and Villians FanFest has only been up and running for a few years and is from the makers of Walker Stalker (The Walking [...]

Digital Review – Imitatore

Imitatore was another NetGalley book. As always, I was given a digital review copy of this in exchange for a fair and honest review. I applied for this on NetGalley because the synopsis (I actually checked it this time.. wooooo!) appealed to me just as much as the cover did: So where do I start [...]

Auto Buy Authors

So I've been catching up on a lot of BookTube recently and inspired by one of the #BooktubeSFF Babbles that a couple of my favourite BookTubers Kitty G and Thoughts on Tomes covered on their channel, I'm going to tell you a bit about my auto buy authors 🙂 What do I mean by auto [...]

A Court of Frost and Starlight – my thoughts!

Okay so I initially ummed and ahhed with putting a review up on this novella on here as I've not reviewed any of the rest of the series. I'm loathe to go back and review the others at this point (although I will in the future if people are interested in my thoughts - comment [...]